Celebration sessions always hit me right in the feels, but this one was on a whole other level! Titan’s mom, Natascha, reached out to me the day after getting the diagnosis that Titan had an inoperable spinal tumor. No undoubtedly one of the worst days of her life and I could hear the pain in her voice in the voicemail that she left inquiring about a session.
I started getting choked up a bit, because I empathize with any pet parent having to go through something like that. I recorded a short Snapchat video of myself teared up, explaining the situation to maybe 6 friends of mine.
One sent me a text shortly after my snap explaining that one of her friend’s daughter passed away in May and they were doing a random acts of kindness week in honor of Emma. My friend asked if she could pay for $100 of the celebration session. She felt compelled as a dog mom herself and just had the urge to do so. So then I started crying again because that was so unexpected and just so nice. Then later that evening, I got to tell Natascha that $100 was taken care of and cried all over again. Sometimes we’re reminded that there are good people out there and I’m really glad that I’m friends with one of them.
Unfortunately only a few days after our session, Titan let his momma know it was time and Natascha made the tough decision to let her baby cross the rainbow bridge. Celebration sessions are incredibly close to my heart and I am honored that people like Natascha trust me to capture these moments during such a difficult time.
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