I am a part of several affiliate advertising programs. Some of the sections of my site will allow you to purchase different products and services online provided by other retailers. Some of the links that I post on the site are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a commission from the sale, but there is not cost to you or increase in price for you.
Occasionally, a post might be sponsored. Sponsored posts are where someone is paying me to write about a specific topic or product. If this is the case, I will mention within the post itself if I received the item for free, was paid to post, or bought the product with my own money – especially if it was a review post.
And finally, sometimes I allow guest posts if I think my clients would benefit from it. It is always pet-related and vetted by me before for the topic and afterwards for the content. I always credit the guest posts at the end of that post and link to the author.
All opinions on the site are my own (obviously).