Serena got ahold of me recently to photograph her three dachshund babies and I was absolutely thrilled about the opportunity as a doxie mom myself. Allie (black and tan longhair) is 14.5 years old, Griffen (red piebald) is 5.5 years old, and Peanut (chocolate and tan below) is 3 months old. They were so stinking cute and did so well at their session in their backyard. Allie recently had some health issues but did get the serious concerns all cleared, so yay for Allie!
Peanut was actually easier than most puppies to get some great photos of. Puppies don’t know many (if any commands) and might not be as food driven as older dogs. He was curious and sat still long enough for me to snap some shots before tearing off. Allie was an absolute breeze and just wanted some treats. She sat pretty and patiently and got her beauty shots taken. Griffen was a bit more challenging as he is naturally more shy. Some dogs do get a little scared that this big black thing (my camera) covers my face, but we can always work around that. I put on my long lens and we were able to get some shots of him from afar where he was more comfortable.
By the end of it, I think they all figured out they were getting extra treats and having a good time with it. Check out some of my favorite shots below!

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